OpenBehavior adopts RRIDs

The RRID Initiative by OpenBehavior and SciCrunch

The OpenBehavior project received support from the National Science Foundation in January 2021. There are three main goals for the initial funding period: (1) create a database of open-source tools used in behavioral neuroscience research and issue Research Resource IDentification (RRID) for all projects featured on the OpenBehavior website, (2) initiate a repository of video recordings for common neuroscience tasks and community conversations on video analysis, and (3) host training sessions on the use of open-source hardware and software at conferences such as the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting.

The first goal of the project has been achieved this summer due to hard work of Marty Isaacson, a senior majoring in Neuroscience at American University and working in the Laubach Lab, and Anita Bandrowski and Edyta Vieth from SciCrunch.

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